Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Troy has been sick with a fever for 6 days now. He has a sore throat and headache and is very weak! Please pray that it will go away. He is on an antibiotic for an ear infection, so I'm pretty sure the sore throat is viral. He is also still complaining that his ear hurts. Drew also woke with a fever yesterday, but it does not seem to be as bad as Troy's yet so I am praying that his does not become worse.
All this said, I am in prayer for a little boy named Luka, he is the son of a family that is on the same mission team as Tim and Angie. Also a nephew to them. He has been sick with diarhea and vomiting for a couple of days now and is in the hospital in Kampala. He needs our prayers. Last I heard he is unable to keep anything down and is getting dehydrated. It makes me realize that the medical care in Uganda is different than here and we may encounter some of these issues. It doesn't make me not want to go, but it makes me realize how much our missionaries need our prayers and how I need to be in constant prayer for their protection and health. Please join me in praying for Luka and also for Troy as they battle sickness in two totally different worlds.
"The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles." Psalm 34: 17 I am clinging to this verse today! I know we serve a God who hears our crys and our prayers. We just need to cry out!

1 comment:

Franklincovey said...

Thanks for this update!