Thursday, March 4, 2010


So we had our immunizations on Tuesday and we ended up with 8 shots and two types of pills we have to take!! It is crazy how much you have to do before you go to Africa. Although the shots were not fun, it was great to get them done. One more thing checked off our list of things to do. We have continued to feel God's providing hand with every step.
Yesteday I (Tanya) helped my friend Kori put on a Spaghetti Dinner for her trip to Uganda. It was a great success and it was alot of fun for me. It made me excited about our trip too. It was more time to talk to Tim and Angie. Also one of my dear friends may be traveling to Uganda this summer and I am so excited for her. She found out last night at the dinner. It was a success in more ways than one. God was glorified in that place.
Through all this, Troy got sick. He had said in the morning that his ear was bothering him, but he had on and off been complaining for a while. He also said he had a sore throat, but again I didn't think anything of it. I thought he was just tired and didn't want to go to school, but I sent him. When I picked him up from school to take him to church where we were doing the dinner, he started to cry. He said "Mom my ear really hurts." I felt so bad, but I had my job to do. The dinner was starting soon and it was crunch time. I then took him in to church and soon realized he had a fever. I called the dr and took him in. I felt bad missing the busy part of the preparations. I realize that my baby needed to come first though. He has an ear infection and he tested neg. for strep but the dr wasn't so sure he didn't have it. He put him on a strong antibiotic. Please pray for him to feel better soon! I am so thankful we have a very uneventful weekend. WE need time to breath.
Yesterday another exciting thing happened too!! We recieved our Passports in the mail. Now it seems sooooooo real. We are going to Uganda. Everytime I start to doubt, I just read God's word or pray and it is still being confirmed!
After yesterday, I just want to get stuff done at home and take a nap. I guess I better get going and get something done!

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