Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We started school yesterday, and I am excited about this new year!  We are trying some new curriculum and I think we will like it! It is very organized and gives all the assignments so I don't have to.

Yesterday was a good day, but also a hard day. It is hard to be starting school and not have all your friends around. It is hard when everyone else is getting class lists and your list remains the same. It is hard when you miss your grandparents and wish you could just hug them. We are all excited about our new school year, but it doesn't take away the pain of being far away from the ones you love. We wouldn't change life here either. We love living here, but again, it doesn't take the pain of missing home away! Sometimes, I wish we could live both places at the same time. We formed so many friendships here and ministry is just really getting started. We are excited about this next phase of life here.

 Please continue to pray for us and communicate with us. We know how hard it is to keep communication up and it frustrates us as much as it frustrates you. We want to keep better contact with people, but having a new baby, kids around 24/7 and trying to build relationships here takes so much time.  We also have an internet problem here always. Sometimes, I just wish life was easier.

OK, so I am rambling and having a bad day! Please forgive me and know that tomorrow will be better.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself,'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'" Lamentations 3: 22-24

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!! we have been thinking and PRAYING for you often. We just returned from 6 weeks in Tanzania. Visit oetmantanzania.wordpress.com Some wise missionary told the kids and I its ok to love two countries. That has been helpful advice since when we were there we missed stuff and people in MI. And now that we are home we miss our Tanzanian friends and much about there culture. We also are reflecting on what God would have us do with our future. The year we are needed would be Brie's asenior year and the homeschooling thing has lots of pros and cons....