Friday, August 24, 2012

Girls day!

So yesterday, I had a great day! We had school in the morning and it went so well. In the afternoon, we had our pastor's wife, Janet, over with her two daughters and we taught them how to make banana bread. While we were waiting for our banana bread to bake Ashley painted the girls nails. Ashley offered to paint Auntie Janet's, but she said her feet were dirty. We told her that was no problem, we would just wash them for her. She was so thrilled. She was so worried about her cracked feet that I decided that I should just give her a mini pedicure! It was great, she was so thrilled to have her callouses scrubbed off and I once again was doing something I love. ( I know it is weird)  It was such a wonderful day! We all loved it!

Well, after they left, I was working in the kitchen and I thought Kate was by the other kids, but she wasn't!  She really wanted her nails painted so she did her own( and the floor and her clothes). O having a baby in the house again is so much fun! 

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