Thursday, October 20, 2011

Many things on my mind

I am sitting here in the middle of the night and so many things are running through my mind. I don't know how I am going to survive tomorrow on so little sleep, but I trust God with my day and I know he will give me the rest I need. 

We are getting so close to moving into our home and it is getting exciting. It is actually really bittersweet. We love living with the Sliedrechts, the kids have so much fun playing and I have so much fun having coffee with Angie almost every day. On the other hand,  we are so excited to get settled and start getting to know our new neighbors. 

The kids are loving it here in Uganda but when we move to our new house it will be an adjustment again. It will be much quieter and we will have to drive to see anyone or ride our bikes.(I am a little nervous about the bike riding here yet.) Also, I am very excited to greet our neighbors near our new home, but that will be a huge stretch for Ashley. It will take time for here to feel comfortable going out.  Please pray that I am patient with her and will give her the time that she needs. Also, please join me in prayer that God will show us the kids in our neighborhood that will be kind and love our kids even though they are so different from themselves. 

I also have been up praying for our friend Roberts baby. He is 13 days old and has been in the hospital. He is having a hard belly and it sounds like he is not having stools. This maybe sounds minor in the states, but here I don't know if he will be treated properly. Please pray that the baby will be healed and for patience for Robert. He is the general contractor for our house and I know he really wants to be both places. He is a hard worker and he loves his wife. 

 The Boys caught their first lizard. They were so excited. I am so glad I didn't find it in my bed!
 Making a bunny cage. The bunnies didn't stay in it for long. They now just roam the yard and our houses if they sneak in. They like to hide under our bed.
 Toads!  Another thing we have all over the yard. 
 Ride for Refuge in Uganda! This is Ashley with Zulea, Beckie and Betty! 
 It was a long hard trail, but the kids all did great!  I even road my bike! Drew went further than all the kids and went with Steve the whole way back to town.  I was so proud of him! 
 Lake Kyoga- this was were we stopped and had a time of prayer and of worship with the group of people from Kumunda. The kids were very interested in the fish and the boats. 
 Eating at Soroti Hotel. It is a beautiful outdoor restaurant with pretty good food. In this picture we are eating with our first Michigan visitors, Craig and Lois Lubben. We also got to meet with Jim Zylstra who is a missionary in Uganda with CRWRC. Jim and Lois are brother and sister and they are my dad's first cousins. It was so fun to meet with relatives!

Well it is now 4:30 am and I am going to have to be up in a couple of hours again. I pray that I can get to sleep now. Enjoy the pictures and I will be adding more once we are into our new home! 
Thank-you for your continued prayers, we feel them and covet them. 

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