Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Last week, we went with our church group to the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds. We do this about every year and we always have a great time. This year was no different we had a great time relaxing on the beach, in the trailer and just around all our sights visiting and enjoying christian fellowship.
We had an extremely busy week the week before so I knew I was going to the CRCG for Physical refreshment, Spiritual renewal and time with my kids.
One night I was laying in my too small bed and I prayed to the Lord to give me some encouragement. Sometimes, I think to myself "How can we move to Uganda?" "what do we have to offer?" I was opening my Bible and I saw in my front cover notes to a sermon Pastor Tom gave in February of 2008. The title was Brave Enough to Follow. It was about Peter being called as Christ's disciple and how he followed even though he was a average man. The two phrases that I wrote down in the introduction section we these, Instruments in the Redeemeer's hands and Ordinary Christians minister to each other.
In my notes it talks about Peter being plain and simple, he was a fisherman. Some of the other notes I have are as follows
-He is Simon, but he will be Peter
-Call comes from Jesus
-Costly Call- They had to leave things behind
-Call to Change- transformation-name change, Jesus has control of all, Peter means "Rock" occupation change- from Fisherman to fisher of men.
After this I wrote, How will God use me? Wow, I didn't know that he would call us to Uganda. When I heard this sermon it was right after Jim had died. I had no idea at this point how life would change.
I was so excited after I read this scripture again and read these sermon notes. I needed to here that we need to be brave enough to follow. At the end of the sermon notes is says, Not what I come to God with, but what he wants to do with me! God gets the glory! Boast in the Lord!"
This is still my prayer, that God gets the glory. We will continue to follow and will use us as he chooses. We don't have to figure it all out. God knows what he wants to do with us and He will get the glory if we are just Brave enough to follow!
I am so thankful that God gave me and my kids that week of spiritual and physical renewal. I was especially thankful for this little message that God reminded me of. He is in control and I am so thankful and I pray he gets all the glory and we can only boast in Him!! We are just a vessel that God uses to reach His people. I look forward to seeing how God continues to work!

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