I wanted to remember about my time in Soroti so I thought I would look back in my journal and write another post. It has been a long time since I've done this and so much happened I want to keep sharing.
May 17, 2010
Today we went to drop off the van (happens a lot, roads are terrible here) and then we walked through town to the hospital to see Richard's father. It was such a blessing to there family to have us come. We prayed with them and Tim gave Richard a new Bible. Someone had stolen the last Bible Tim had given him. In the hospital a family member has to stay with the patient. The patient had a bed(more like a cot) and the caretaker has to sleep under the bed on a concrete floor. The hospital is supposed to supply medicine, but half the time they don't have any so the family has to find the money to get the meds at pharmacy. WE were told the hospital is really a place people come to die. It was so different than hospitals here. As we walked outside, I was amazed at all the sights I saw. People sitting around everywhere. There is no concept of sterilization. The theater room ( where they do surgery) is a small little room with a metal table and we could look right in. There was also a huge hole knocked out of the window in the door. I wonder how they keep flies out of there? I also saw a mom sitting with her little child and the baby had something like and IV (it may have been an IV) and it was not elevated and the liquid looked like dirty water. I wondered if they were helping her or just adding to the problem. It is just so hard to understand and explain. They need to know about Jesus from a young age. They may not have a long life. We need it here too, but there it just seems so urgent!!
We had lunch and then we headed out to another ministry. We went to visit the blind people that they work with. This was a wonderful experience, like every place we went to. We were so blessed by these wonderful people. They told us their testimonies and they read out of one of the books of the Bible that was all braille. It was so fabulous to watch them soak in God's Word. As we were sitting and having more conversation, one of the ladies was just sitting on the floor reading her Bible with her hands. All that mattered to her was reading God's Word. She was thrilled we were there, but God's word was more important. It takes them forever to read through all these books. They are thick and it takes some of them longer than others to read. They were so appreciative of Tim and Josh. Josh and Tim have helped them in many different ways. They helped them figure out how to raise orange trees and they also brought people to them that taught them how to knit potholders and more. It is so amazing what God has done in their lives. When we were here, they taught me some Iteso. I learned how to say beautiful child. I am not sure if I was saying it right, because anytime I tried to use it all the kids would just laugh at me! I didn't care, I just wanted them to know they are beautiful.
One of my favorite things was holding this little baby. I asked Magdoline(?) if I could hold her. She was so sweet. In Uganda, the babies really don't wear diapers and this baby was not wearing one. I suddenly felt a warm sensation in my lap. I knew what it was and it is amazing, but it didn't really bother me. She was so sweet and she was loving being held. After she relieved herself she proceeded to fall asleep on my shoulder. It was so wonderful to give this baby love.
As we were sitting around visiting, lots of children sat around just outside the door or right inside the door. It amazes me how they just sit and listen and they are well behaved. They are quiet!
We then went for a walk around the village. Francis showed us his saplings. He is trying to grow more trees since his were destroyed. I am not sure how they were destroyed, but I think it was too much rain. They are just so thankful for what they have. It was so humbling.
In the evening we went to Bobby and Rachels for dinner. It was so good to get to know more team members and fun to learn what they do for ministry. Bobby works with the street kids along with more things. Rachel did a kids club during the school break and she also tutors a couple of girls. She loves the tutoring. It was another great exhausting day!
It is so good to remember our time in Uganda. I hope that it is good for you to hear too. We are so anxious to serve with TEAM BEYOND and we are so thankful for this year that we have here. Please continue to pray for us, that we will continue to listen to God's will and not our own. We know this is all for His glory and not ours so we pray we can keep Him as our focus.
A friend told me to just enjoy the journey. Enjoy all the things of this year. This is HIS thing, not ours. He knows how it is all going to work out and we need to enjoy trusting in him and not let stress get to us. Anyway, so we are trying to just enjoy all that this year brings.
1 comment:
I like that you think. Thank you for share very much.
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