Thursday, July 15, 2010

It is amazing to me how fast summer is going! Life has just gotten a little busier for us! I started working three days a week. I think this is going to take some time to get used to. I am very tired and I feel my house is a disaster with the kids home all day with a sitter and missing their mom. Troy has been acting out alot which makes things difficult for all of us. He loves to have one on one time and with Ashley and Drew home for the summer and me working I think he feels he is getting lost. I guess it is time for him to get used to sharing. When we are in Uganda he will not have me to himself so he better get used to it now.
We have been going to the beach at South Haven alot so that also makes it very busy, but they do so well when they are outside and at the beach. We all have so much fun and we don't have to look at the mess our house is in. One of these days I'm just going to have to really clean. I just keep telling myself that summer doesn't last very long. It will be clean again someday.

A couple Saturdays this summer we did hot dog sales at Sandy Pines to earn money to get us to Uganda and help us live this next year when we are fundraising and going to training. This was so fun and it was so fun to share with people about what we will be doing and where we will be going. We are so thankful for the support that we are getting and know that God is providing exactly what we need. At one of our sales, we were sharing our pictures with a couple that came up to our sale. We shared a common interest in missions and both were brought to this point with the death of a family member. It was so great to share with them and they were very generous with us. We are soo thankful for this couple who doesn't even really know us. So amazing who God brings into our lives.

As foe prayer requests for us. Please pray for extra strength and patience. We are tired and we have lots to do. Our next step in our application process is to do a language aptitude test. We just need to find time to do it and that is just not happening right now. Pray that we will find time and that we will be able to do our psych evaluations too.

Thank-you to everyone who is praying for us! We are feeling your prayers.

1 comment:

Franklincovey said...

Its Really one of the good post..!!