Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Getting Ready!!

We leave three weeks from today! I am trying to say no to everything, which is so hard for me. I need to prepare physically, mentally and spiritually. We have been doing alot of our reading and we are almost done.
On Sunday, we had Josh and Mandy Shaarda over for dinner. Josh and Mandy are on the same team as Tim and Angie in Soroti. It was great to get to know them and we are sad they won't be in Uganda at the same time as us. Their one year old son was very ill and they had to return to the states for further dr. appointments Check out their blog at www.shaarda.blogspot.com . Luka, their son, has had miraculous healing and he is doing so well. So fun to see this little boy and his family that we had been praying for.
They were telling us some of the things they do on the mission field and it made us so excited. Steve is anxious to get there and see if some of the ideas that have been brought to him are possiblilities of work that he can do. Please continue to pray for clear direction.
Our kids are getting more and more excited to stay with the Snyder's. We have been trying to get them together a few more times. They keep asking, if they can just stay over night one night now. I keep saying, You will be there soon enough!! I am so thankful for God's blessing in this area. I just hope my kids want to come home after being with them.
We still are thinking that this could really happen. We are anxious to go and say that we are for sure moving there. It is so scary though and you go through all these emotions of : Is this my will or God's will? We just have to keep reminding ourselves of how he has lead us and guided us along this journey. It is just so great that so far our will is in tune with God's will. Will it stay this way? It is hard to express what we are feeling, but their are just so many emotions. I read my Bible and passages jump out at me that I feel I could share with the people we will be in contact with. I just pray that I am not so nervous that I freeze up and can't remember them.
The Bible is just so full of everything we need for life. If we just take the time to read it. I love to read God's word and see what he has to say about the things of life. Pray that we take the time to enjoy and reflect on God's word.
Thank-you for being in prayer for us! Thank-you to all of you that have supported us financially! We couldn't do this without either.

1 comment:

Franklincovey said...

I like that you think. Thank you for share very much.