Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I really love living in Uganda, but sometimes I am just so sick of bugs! Mostly little tiny ants and weevils in my flour! I made English muffins today and noticed all tiny black dots in them! I tried to pick out as many as possible, but they are still there. And we will still eat the English muffins, but it just drives me crazy!!
Everyday we find hundreds of little tiny ants in our hot pot! It really is no big deal, because you just rinse them out and start to boil your hot water, but once again "It drives me crazy!!" I also find these little monsters in my computer and crawling on my arms!
Seriously, how do you get rid of them?  Nothing is sealed in our house!

People may think that the big things would be more frustrating, but I beg to differ! Ashley saw a mouse scamper across her floor, but we immediately caught it in a trap. We trapped another little rodent in her room, but now they are gone!!
We see snakes once in awhile, but they are usually outside and also easier to kill and dispose of!

I am not complaining(maybe a little),but trying to give you an idea of life on this side of the world!!

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