Saturday, April 27, 2013

A couple of nights in the village!

We spent two nights in the village with our pastors family! It was great time to really connect and get to know each other on a deeper level. We had a great time. The moon was so full and the nights cool. We sat and talked into the night. The first night we were camping the monkeys came to eat our scraps. One even got into Pastor Francis' hut. We heard Pastor and his wife making noises in the middle of the night and in the morning we discovered they had had a monkey in their hut! So funny! We laughed and laughed! The boys went fishing and hiking while I stayed back and helped prepare food! 
The second night, Steve slept in a hut and he had rats nibbling at his feet! I will never sleep in a hut!!!! Tents will be just fine for me! 

The boys caught our supper that night! We cut them up and threw them in some oil to fry! It was the best fish I have had in Uganda, yet! 

The boys love mangoes, but they love climbing mango trees even more!

Everlyn and Ashley shared a tent!
This is Pastors compound! It is very new, but it is so nice! And the thing that makes it so nice is the people!!

Serving up some beans and rice for lunch!! Yum!

Fishing with Paul!

God's creation is so beautiful! 

Getting water from the bore hole! They fetched water a lot with all of us staying there.

Filling the jerry cans!

Troy doing his part!

Walking them back to Pastor's compound!

The girls! They chased the boys with their sticks! 

Our camp!

Kate and I shared a tent! It was cold in the morning, but it didn't last long!

Making mud bullets!

Mud bullets!

Playing Omweso with Amos! 

Finishing the grass roof!

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