Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our team at our Team Beyond Strategy Retreat! The president of International Teams and his wife were at the retreat along with Anthony Jones, another IT VP.   It was a great retreat and love the direction our team is going in! God has given us wonderful people to work with! All different and unique in their own way!

Ashley was so excited to get Auntie Rachael's Chocolate cookies for her birthday! I love that Ashley has wonderful young women in her life to help her grow and mature. She had it back and the states and God is still honoring that desire  here too!

This is our watchman Moses and his wife Sarah!  They are a wonderful young couple and we pray that God will use them  and that their marriage will be God centered. They have a daughter Rebecca and they have just taken in Moses youngest sister , Sharon, into their home. She is an orphan and we are so pleased that he has taken the responsibility for her!

We are starting to really build relationships and we are starting to feel more at home here! We have plugged into a church and feel this is where God is calling us to minister!  The pastor is a godly man and is an exception to most Ugandan pastors.  He is incredible humble and really cares for his flock. We just found he takes no salary from his church, because he does not want people to think he is a pastor because it brings privileges. You see, so many pastors here, become pastors for status and in hopes of someone sending them to America to be trained. They really just want to get to America. (Not All)

Our team has also been working in a community called Obule and we have been very encouraged by the change in the community! Their marriages have been transformed and other parts of their lives too. People in neighboring communities have even noticed a difference.  It is so exciting to see God working in the hearts and lives of these wonderful people. 

In our family, we are adjusting to homeschooling. In the beginning there is always a learning curve. We have adjusted our curriculum to fit how we learn together. I now feel my kids are learning so much more than when we started. It is a blessing to be the one teaching and encouraging my children.  Some days are a struggle, but most of the time I love being their teacher!

Steve has been going out to Obule village with a teammate Josh to be mentored. Steve went through Timothy Leadership training(TLT), but doing it in the village is always different than sitting in a class learning.  On Monday, he will start intense study of the language with Pastor Francis. The people here love when you speak their native language, even if we mess up.  We are praying that God will give people right here in Pamba a desire to have TLT. Our Pastor here has been very encouraging and he thinks it would be a great place to have the classes. It is so great to live in a community that we can work in! 

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