Thursday, July 7, 2011

This post is long overdue, but life is crazy busy with twists and turns we didn't expect.

On May 29th, my cousin Megan (18) went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a rare disease called HLH. Steve and I went to Iowa to see her in the hospital. It was really hard to see her laying there so helpless. She was in an induced coma. The greatest part of it was seeing my Uncle Mike and being so encouraged by his faith in God's Will. On June 29th she lost the battle with this horrific disease and we took another trip to Iowa for a funeral I never thought would happen. Again, I was so thankful for my Uncle Mike and how I could see how God has grown him in his faith. He knows that this is God's will, but he is also not afraid to mourn and weep.
Being in Iowa was incredibly hard for me this time. I thought I had said most of my goodbyes to these people I love so much. I cried a lot and tried to enjoy the time. Sully, Iowa is a place that is dear to my heart. It brings back so many memories. When I think of my childhood, I think I know why God has called us into ministry. I have always loved people and wanted to share about the Lord with them. Anyway if you are reading this and you are from Sully, know that you are dearly loved.
We now are back in Michigan and packing, enjoying friends and starting more training. Today we start orientation with Christian Reformed World Missions. This orientation will go till July 12th. Please pray that we can soak it all in and retain what we learn.
On Wednesday, July 13th we will be going to the CRCG to enjoy a time of fellowship with many in our church family. The African Children's Choir will also be singing and dancing for the Lord there and we look forward to enjoying this.
Steve also has his 2nd track of Timothy Leadership training the next week and the kids have Bible school at church. I plan to continue packing and get some reading done that I have to complete for training.
I am so excited my cousin Tara and her family are coming to visit us on July 30th and staying for the week. Tara and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember and it is such a gift to be able to spend that time with her family.
We then leave for Elgin, IL for two weeks of training at International Teams. These classes will be on Second Language Acquisition.  I don't know how the classes will go, but I love being at International Teams. The staff that work at the building are wonderful and it is great to be with others that are leaving to be on the mission field too. (even if they are going to India)
We then will be back here and finish packing. We have commissioning service on August 28th and we leave for Uganda on Labor day from Chicago.
As I write this it makes me tired.  I am so thankful that God holds my hand and keeps carrying me. He knows the end from the beginning and he is the author of life. We can only continue to go knowing that he is the one who has called us.
There is so much more to write and I know that I am missing so much, but please continue to pray for us.  As the time gets closer there are more fears and more emotions. It gets harder to say see you later and the tears flow more freely.


Tiff said...

Prayers from your old sand castle building, tree-climbing, fighting over Barbies friend from Sully! :)Praying you are able to complete all the tasks you have ahead of you with joy and that each step closer to your departure will reveal more of God's goodness and God's plan. What an exciting journey!


Franklincovey said...

I’m glad that after surfing the web for uch a long time I have found out this information. I’m really lucky.