Saturday, July 9, 2011


 I have been struggling with the fact that we have not been home in our own beds lately. I think it is especially hard for my kids or for me not to have my kids at home. We have had so much going on and it is getting overwhelming for them as well as for Steve and I. This morning I was lying in bed trying to be quiet before the Lord and trying to rest in Him. I was also trying to release to him our time and our need to be home. I then opened my Bible and the first thing I saw was a verse I had written down from Philippians  “do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, presents your requests to the Lord. I need to remember to be thankful, thankful for even though we haven’t rested at home we have had people loving our kids and will have more people loving our kids next week while we are at training.
The next thing I came to in my Bible was an old Today devotional. It was opened up and the title on top was HOME. Someone before told me that being a missionary is a good thing because you never know what to call your earthly home. Home is in heaven and that is where we need to find our peace!
Our God is so good and he knows our every need. I will continue to trust in his provision and his leading! I will also remember not to be anxious, because our HOME is in heaven. 

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