Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I went to the Homeschool building today and was so excited! It is very overwhelming, but I am so thankful that God prompted me to go today! I realize I am going to need time to get this all figured out. I loved all the material and am excited about starting this new adventure. The thing with homeschooling is you can get so much advice from so many people, but everyone does it so different. It is still great to get all the help from people, but I do need to know how my kids work. Our school has been a huge help and I am so thankful for the education my kids have had and are having. I am also thankful that they are willing to help me get ready for this task ahead of me.
Please pray for us as we decide the best way to teach our kids. Pray that we choose the right curriculum and that it is what works best for our kids and the environment we will be in.

1 comment:

Franklincovey said...

thank you bro, Prasen here from