Monday, October 15, 2007

Iowa - Grandma's 80th

Troy and Abby are always so cute together!

It was great seeing these young cousins that I never get to see any more. They are so much fun. How cute are they all?!

Troy took a picture by Grandpa and Grandma's tree. Isn't he so handsome?!

I had so much fun in Iowa. I love to go back, it will always seem like home. Just Troy and I went and he had so much fun with his cousins. I really missed Steve and Ashley and Drew. They would have loved it.

Now I am home and trying to catch up on life. We had a Progressive dinner on Saturday night(church), we hosted the Salad course. It was a great night. On Sunday night we had Youth Group. Saturday was also our last soccer game for the season. I love it, but so glad it's done.

This Wednesday we are headed to Uncle Don and Auntie Eleanor in Pennsylvania. We are all very excited.

1 comment:

Franklincovey said...

I have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.