Sunday, February 9, 2014

Catherine's Village

Many of you have seen pictures of my friend Catherine. I have now been to her village a couple of times. When Steve and I went to Kampala to pick new teammates, Kate went and spent the week with Catherine in the village. She absolutely loved it! So much dirt to play with and so many people around!! Village life is great!

Catherine's Grandmother! We gave her this necklace as a gift.  Catherine told me that she never takes it off.  She even refuses anyone to remove it when they bath her. She is beautiful!

This is my very good friend Catherine! Here she is sitting with her oldest grandmother.  Her grandmother still gets up about once a day to sweep her compound and the rest of the time you will find her in this chair in front of her hut!

This is one of Catherine's grandmother's.  Immediately when you get to the village they ask you for something! This is not just because we are white, but they do this to all who visit them! Most elderly survive on the generosity of others.

We received a chicken from Catherine's Uncle Martin! They thought Kate was pretty amazing that she would hold the chicken so well!! I think she is amazing too!

Our friends Bob and Josephine also gave a chicken, Kate was loving this day!

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