Saturday, October 5, 2013

School Begins.....

Ok, so I know it has only been one week of school, but really I think it is going to be a great school year! My kids are really loving the routine and they love their teacher, Amy. She is very structured and makes them work hard! The first day, Troy thought he was going to loose his hand because it was so sore from writing! Ha Ha!
I love having time with Kate! She is so much fun to be with one on one.  She is still the loudest child in our household, but having time with just me has helped her need to be heard! I can't believe how relieved I feel now that Amy is here. I used to feel so tired and exhausted all the time. I felt like I had so much to do, but never enough time to do it. I have cleaned out cupboards, spent time with some neighbors, visited our friends mother in the hospital and just relaxed with Kate. I feel so completely blessed!

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