Sometimes you wonder how your kids are doing? Are they going to make the right choices? Are they getting what we are talking about?
Ashley does not love reading and I am not the best mother to help her. I went and talked to her teacher and left feeling incredibly guilty(unnecessarily). I worry way to much that she is going to be a student like I percieved myself to be. When I was at my lowest with her, thinking she will always have issues and you know being dramatic, God stepped in. He knew I needed a pick me up.
Ashley came home with a book that her and her classmates wrote."The Most Important Thing"
She began to read it to me and there were things like Neopets, Rainbow, numbergrid, Church, family, jewelry, nametag, and alot more. After reading lots of these I was curious what Ashley would write. We finally got to hers after like 18. I cried!! The title of hers was "Our God" !! I can't remember word for word what she wrote but it went something like this.
The most important thing about our God is that he loves us.
He died on the cross to save us from our sins.
He made the world for us to enjoy ( she wrote more I can't remember it all, but that was enough for me)
Ok, so she is not a great reader, does it really matter. God looks at the heart and I pray that she will keep her childlike faith.
I will keep working on her reading skills, but God just showed me not to worry. He has got it all in his hands. I thank God for a Christian school were she is learning to lean on her Savior. I also thank God for giving Steve and I a rich heritage of faith that we can pass on generation to generation.